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Privacy Policy

Your data will be used for the following purposes:

  • To send the new learning programme out to you by email or post if you have requested it.
  • To remind you of up-and-coming sessions you have booked onto.

The only time your information will be shared is:

  • With your consent when a referral has been made to another training partner in the programme.
  • If you have requested to be signposted to another service.

If you request for your details to be removed from our database it will be deleted immediately, otherwise your data will be kept while you are still accessing the learning programme.

if you feel that Flintshire County Council have mishandled your personal data at any time, you can make a complaint to the information commissioner’s office, by visiting their website or by calling their helpline on 0303 123 1113. For further information about how Flintshire County Council process personal data and your rights please see our Privacy Notice on their website here.

Flintshire Learning for Wellbeing Programme
Unit 4 Rowley’s Drive, Shotton, Flintshire CH5 1PP
Email: Telephone: 01244 831056

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